Point Judith Lighthouse
New England Rhode Island
These are photos of the lighthouse that sits at Point Judith in Rhode Island.
In 1806 the first lighthouse was built, but they made it of wood.
In 1815 a gale destroyed it.
They replaced it with the eight sided brick lighthouse that you see now, plus they may have moved it back some because of shore erosion.
The last time we were at Point Judith, they were bulldozing some dirt around the lighthouse. They must be building the area up.
There is also a small park here named Rose Nullman Park. It has a gazebo and benches to relax and enjoy the scenic view.
Here's something else that you will find interesting at Point Judith. If you take a walk along the path by the water, you will find stacked stones. There are a bunch of them. Look at the one I'm sitting next to. I don't know why people do this, but they sure look cool. You can stack some stones too when you go to Point Judith .
The Old Fort
Also, if you follow the path by the shoreline, you can walk to the remains of an old fort nearby. We explored this area and found paths that go up over the fort mound. There are entrances on both sides that have been blocked off by boulders.
We stuck our digital camera in the East entrance and snapped a couple pictures. We had to lighten the photos in Photoshop to see what they were.
All the walls are covered with graffiti and appear to date from the 1960's. Apparently a lot of partying took place inside. No wonder they're blocked off now.
I wish we could tell you the history of this old fort, but we don't know it. It may not be very old, and it seems more like a bunker, and it would depend on when they first invented concrete.
Comment from Dave C.
Here is the answer to your mention of forts in Point Judith
Fort Varnum (1941 - 1947, 1958 - present ?),
Boston Neck - Located in between Fort Kearny and Fort Greene and situated opposite
Fort Burnside.
Batteries here are Battery House (1942 - 1947), Battery Armistead (1942 - 1946), and Anti Motor Torpedo Boat Battery 921 (1943 - 1946). Four observation towers remain here.
Reservation now used by Rhode Island National Guard.
Comment from Harold B
Hello was just looking at your web page and I noticed that the gun emplacement near the Point Judith lighthouse is incorrectly called Fort Varmun.It is actually the south reservation of Fort Green.The fort Green complex included the current Army Reserve post,Fishermans Memorial Campground and the south reservation now known as Camp Cronin.
Secret Fishing Spot
Below are pictures of a fishing spot that is west of the Point Judith lighthouse, along the shoreline. There is a long jetty. Many people fish at this spot, and it seems to get more popular every year, so it's not much of a secret anymore.
There is also a small beach nearby where people lay their blankets to get some sun, but we haven't ever seen anyone swimming there, and no camping is allowed.
The whole shoreline to the west of the jetty is nothing but tumbling rocks in the surf and it makes a sound that is so cool. In the picture below you can see how tiny I am on the big boulder that is at the fishing spot. The lighthouse is to the left of me in the distance.
Driving Directions:
Hwy. 108 to Ocean Rd, follow it south, keep going straight and watch for a bumpy dirt road on your left. It's marked by a small sign that says Camp Cronin and that's it.
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