Block Island Ferry
These are early Spring pictures taken at the Block Island Ferry pier in Galilee, RI.
This ferry must be used for off season to travel to Block Island.
The one that we rode on during the summer was much bigger, and packed with people.
It's about an hour's trip from the pier in Galilee to Block Island, because the island is 10 to 12 miles away.
It's a lot of fun, like you're on a cruise or something. If the weather is unfavorable, they have comfortable booths and a snack bar inside.
Reservations and Information
If you take your car over on the ferry, it is best to have reservations during the summer. We went in the off season and didn't need reservations.
The ferry leaves daily from Galilee, Rhode Island and New London,
Call for schedules, rates, reservations and boat charters. 860-442-7891
Is there a Newport to Block Island Ferry? Not to our knowledge.
Update: I recieved an email from Tanya. She says, " Your site states there is no ferry to BI from Newport. Not true. Seasonally, it leaves Ft. Adams(Newport) at 9:15 and leaves BI about 5pm every day." Thanks Tanya for sharing this info with us.
Related Pages
-Dining... Block Island restaurant list
Block Island Ferry
-Lodging... Block
Island Lodging
-Attractions... Block Island
Also visit:
Eisenhauer Gallery - 211 Water St Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-2422
-The Block Island Website... Block
Island Website
-The Block Island Newspaper... Block
Island Times
-Block Island Chamber of Commerce... Chamber
of Commerce
-More pictures of Block Island... Block
Island Picture