Block Island
RI Restaurants
I don't know why, but when we went to Block Island, we had a difficult time finding some place to eat.
The few restaurants they had were packed all the time, so we had to eat either earlier or later in the evening.
If we would have had this list, then at least we would have known where the restaurants were located.
Here's the addresses and phone numbers too, but I can't guarantee they are still correct, because thing change so fast.
The Oar - West Side Rd Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-8820
GR Sharky's - Corn Neck Rd Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-9900
Albion Pub - Ocean Ave Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-9990
Winfield's - Corn Neck Rd Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-5855
Harborside Inn - 211 Water St Block Island, RI (401) 466-5504
Ernie's Old Harbor Restaurant - Water St Block Island (401) 466-2473
Water Street Cafe - Water St Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-5540
Nightclubs and Pubs
Water Street Inn - 211 Water St Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-2605
Driftwood Guest House - High St Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-5548
Yellow Kittens - High St Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-5855
Highview Hotel - 100 Connecticut Ave (401) 466-5912
Manisses Hotel - 52 Spring St Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-2836
Related Pages
-Dining... Block
Island restaurant list
-Ferry... Block
Island Ferry
-Lodging... Block Island
-Attractions... Block Island attractions
-The Eisenhauer Gallery - 211 Water St Block Island, RI 02807 (401) 466-2422
Related Websites
-Block Island Website... Block Island
-The Block Island Newspaper... Block
Island Times
-Block Island Chamber of Commerce... Chamber
of Commerce
-More pictures of Block Island... Block
Island Pictures