Alpaca Blanket
to Buy One
When we went to Brooklyn CT to visit some friends, his wife had a lap blanket on her couch that I immediately got attached too.
It is the warmest, softest blanket I have ever had.
Come to find out it is an Alpaca blanket. I have never heard of Alpaca before.
They drove us around Brooklyn CT, and showed us that there is an Alpaca Farm nearby in Hampton, CT.
But unfortunately it was after 5 on Sunday, so we didn't get to visit. (See update below)
She also said they had a gift shop there where you can buy the Alpaca Blankets and other items, but they are expensive, yet well worth it.
Our friend didn't buy this at the Alpaca Farm Gift shop, she said that amazingly, she found three of them at a Job Lot for $20.00 each, and bought all three.
She wound up giving me the Alpaca blanket, and I am so thrilled to have it, but now the hubby is getting attached to it, and it's not really big enough to share.
Update: The next weekend we went back to Brooklyn, CT, and was able to go visit the Alpaca Farm. I was so surprised how cute the Alpacas are. View some pictures below. This farm is also a Bed and Breakfast. See a closeup of the Alpaca blanket... Alpaca blanket
My Alpaca Farm Pictures
This Alpaca blanket has turned into my favorite travel blanket, and I take it with us everywhere. If you can find one you have just got to get one! They would make a great gift too and can be bought pretty reasonably on ebay.