Cape Cod Mass Beaches
Seasonal Information
Here is some information on the Cape Cod Beaches in Mass.
These are the popular beaches, but there is definitely a lot more of them that are listed here, because there are many resident beaches.
Another beach not listed here is Smugglers Beach which is near Sea Gull Beach in West Yarmouth.
Read about our Cape Cod roadtrip beach hopping the Cape Cod Beaches.
Barnstable, Mass Beaches
Mass - Craigville Beach - calm waves
Located on Craigville Road - Parking Fee $12-$15
Restooms and snackbar available, and lifeguards are on duty.
Mass - Kalmus Beach - calm waves
Located on Ocean Street - Parking Fee $12-$15
Restooms and snackbar available, and lifeguards are on duty.
Mass - Sandy Neck Beach - calm waves
Located off Route 6A - Parking Fee $12-$15
Restooms and snackbar available, and lifeguards are on duty.
Bourne, Massachusetts Beaches
Bourne, Mass - Monument
Beach - calm waves
Located off Route 28 - Parking Fee $30 (nonresident Beach Sticker)
Restooms and snackbar available, and lifeguards are on duty.
Mass - Scussett Beach - surf waves
Located off Sagamore Rotary - Parking Fee $30 (nonresident Beach Sticker)
Restooms and snackbar available, and lifeguards are on duty.
Brewster, Massachusetts Beaches
Mass - Breakwater Beach - calm waves
Located off Route 6A - Parking Fee $15
Restooms but no snackbar available, and no lifeguards.
Mass - Crosby Landing - calm waves
Located off Route 6A - Parking Fee $15
Restooms but no snackbar available, and no lifeguards.
Mass - Paines
Creek - calm waves
Located off Route 6A - Parking Fee $15
Restooms but no snackbar available, and no lifeguards.
Brewster, Mass - Robbins Hill
Located off Route 6A - Parking Fee $15
Restooms but no snackbar available, and no lifeguards.
Massachusetts Beaches
Chatham, Mass - Hardings Beach - calm waves
Located off Route 28 - Parking Fee $15
Lifeguards on duty, food concession and restrooms.
Chatham, Mass - Lighthouse Beach - surf waves
Located off Route 28 - Parking Fee $15
No restooms but no snackbar available, and no lifeguards.
Chatham, Mass - Ridgevale Beach - calm waves
Located on Shore Road - Parking Fee N/A
Lifeguards on duty, food concession and restrooms.
Dennis Cape Cod, MA Beaches
Dennis, Mass - Scargo
Located on Scargo Hill Road - Parking Fee N/A
Freshwater swimming and surrounded by woods
Dennis, Mass - Chapin
Beach - calm waves
Located on Corporation Road - Parking Fee $15
Restooms but no snackbar available, and no lifeguards.
Dennis, Mass - Sea Street beach - calm waves
Located off Route 28 - Parking Fee $15
Restooms but no snackbar available, and yes there are lifeguards.
Dennis, Mass - Corporation
Beach - calm waves
Located off Route 6A - Parking Fee $15
Restooms and snackbar available, and lifeguards.
West Dennis, Mass - West
Dennis Beach - calm waves
Located off Lower County Road - Parking Fee $15
Restooms and snackbar available, and lifeguards.
Duxbury Mass Beaches Cape Cod
Mass - Duxbury Beach
Located on Canal Street - Parking Fee N/A
Lifeguards on duty, food concession and restrooms.
Eastham Beaches, Mass
Beaches Mass - Coast Guard Beach - surf waves
Located off Route 6 - Parking Fee $15
Lifeguards on duty and restrooms, no food concession
Beaches Mass - Nauset Light Beach - surf waves
Located off Route 6 - Parking Fee $15
Lifeguards on duty and restrooms, no food concession
Beaches Mass - Cooks Brooks - calm waves
Located off Massasoit Rd. - Parking Fee $50 (one week visitor pass)
Restrooms, no snack bar, no lifeguards
Beaches Mass - First
Encounter Beach - calm waves
Located end of Samoset Road - Parking Fee $50 (one week visitor pass)
Restrooms, no snack bar, no lifeguards
Falmouth Beaches
Falmouth, Mass - Menauhant Beach - calm waves
Located off Route 28 - Parking Fee $10
Restrooms, snack bar, lifeguards
Mass - Surf Drive Beach - calm waves
Located on Surf Drive - Parking Fee $10
Restrooms, snack bar, lifeguards
North Falmouth, Mass - Old
Silver Beach - calm waves
Located off Quaker Road - Parking Fee $20
Restrooms, snack bar, lifeguards
Gay Head Cape Cod Beaches
Gay Head, Mass
- Moshup - Gay Head Public Beach
Located on Moshup Trail - Parking Fee.
Harwich Beaches
Harwich, Mass - Red River Beach - calm waves
Located off Route 28 - Parking Fee $10
Restrooms, snack bar, lifeguards
Hyannis Cape Cod MA Beaches
Hyannis, Mass - Kalmus Park
Located on Ocean Street - Parking Fee N/A
Restrooms, snack bar, lifeguards
Mass - Veterans Park
Located on Ocean Street - Parking fee N/A
Restrooms, snack bar, lifeguards
Martha's Vineyard Beaches
Vineyard, Mass - Gay Head Public Beach
Location: This beach extends from Philbin Beach to just before the Gay Head Cliffs.
10-minute walk from the parking lot ($15 per day).
Marthas Vineyard, Mass - Wasque
Located on Wasque Road, Chappaquiddick Island
Phone: 508-627-7689
Vineyard, Mass - Squibnocket Beach
Located on a stretch of sandy beach on the south shore.
Orleans Cape Cod Beaches
East Orleans, Mass
- Nauset Beach - surf waves
Located at Routes 6 and 28 - Parking Fee $15
Restrooms, snack bar, and lifeguards
East Orleans, Mass - Skaket
Beach - calm waves
Located on Namskaket Road - Parking Fee $15
Restrooms, snack bar, and lifeguards
Provincetown Beaches
Mass - Herring Cove - calm waves
Located at the end of Route 6 - Parking Fee $15
Part of Cape Cod National Seashore
Restrooms, snack bar, and lifeguards
Provincetown, Mass - Race
Point - surf waves
Located off Route 6 - Parking Fee $15
Part of Cape Cod National Seashore
Restrooms and lifeguards, no snack bar
Sandwich Mass Beaches
Sandwich Mass - Town Neck Beach - calm waves
Located on Wood Ave. - Parking Fee $10
Restrooms, snack bar, and lifeguards
Truro Cape Cod Beaches
Truro Mass - Head of Meadow Beach - surf waves
Located on Head of Meadow Road - Parking fee $10
Restrooms and lifeguards, no snack bar
Wellfleet Cape Cod Beaches
South Wellfleet, Mass - Marconi
Beach - surf waves
Located in South Wellfleet - Parking Fee $15
Restrooms and lifeguards, no snack bar
Wellfleet, Mass - Cahoon
Hollow - surf waves
Located off Route 6 - Parking Fee $30 (nonresident Beach Sticker)
Restrooms and lifeguards, snack bar
Wellfleet, Mass
- White Crest - surf waves
Located on Ocean View Drive - Parking Fee $30 (nonresident Beach Sticker)
Restrooms and lifeguards, snack bar
Yarmouth Cape Cod Beaches
West Yarmouth, Mass - Sea Gull Beach - surf waves
Located off South Sea Avenue - . Parking Fee $10 - $12
Restrooms and lifeguards, snack bar